From: L. Michael Hall
2022 Neurons #31
August 1, 2022
Super-charging Your Attitude #7
In the last post, we explored the art regarding how to coach a more positive
and self-enhancing attitude. That's part of the art of mastering your
attitude, but there is more to it than that. The focus there was on
changing an attitude, here I want to turn attention to super-charging your
attitude so that the attitude you choose to develop becomes something
incredibly powerful in your personality.
The amazing thing about an attitude is that it can define your whole
personality and that's because of what an attitude is. An attitude is a
gestalt state that operates not only as a frame of mind, but one of your
highest frames of mind. It isn't only two or three levels up, it is usually
near the very top in your meta place. Because an attitude is a holistic
experience, it defines and orients all of your mind-body-emotion experience.
An attitude includes your mental stance, your emotional stance, your
physical stance, and your physiology. The following pattern was developed
for the Living Personal Genius (LPG) training program.
Jonas said he had an wimpy attitude and wanted a stronger and more
definitive one. While he said he believed in being proactive and not
passive, yet he often did not take the initiative to make things happen. He
planned to, he prepared to, but then he hesitated and frequently missed
opportunities. As we talked, he said that he guessed he needed to do
something to "kick his attitude into high gear." From that cue, I began
exploring various component of proactivity with him.
"What do you believe about time, doing things ahead of time, acting, taking
risks, yourself as 'a proactive person,' your values regarding proactivity,
He said the conversation helped. It refreshed his beliefs and his state.
"But still there's something missing." "How do you experience your personal
authority for acting?" He didn't know what I was getting at.
"I'm talk about your 'locus of control,' that locus or circle. You could be
standing in the middle of it, or it could be outside of you so you look to
others for approval or information. Or you could be on the border, partly
in and partly out." Jonas, do you have permission to be fully inside?"
He did not. That was the missing resource. So when we added that to all of
the other frames of mind, that freed him to fully step into proactivity and
own it as his own.
The Pattern:
1) Intention: Identify the attitudes that you want to intensify (or juice
Choose the context. Where, when, and with whom do you want to charge-up
your attitude? What is your current attitude? How robust is it?
What attitude would you like which would enhance you as a person?
What one attitude would you like to develop and program into yourself?
2) Identify your value hierarchy for the attitude.
Why is that attitude important? How is it valuable for you? (Repeat 5
What would it allow you to do or to experience? How important is it?
3) Identify your representations of this super-charged attitude.
How do you represent this attitude on the screen of your mind? What do you
see and hear? What do you say to yourself that accesses it?
How do you evaluate it? What emotions do you associate with it?
3) Identify the qualities and properties of this attitude.
What references (images, sounds, memories, imaginations) do you need to
access to access this attitude? As you do so, amplify it until has
sufficient charge. Then enjoy feeling the energy of this attitude.
What other qualities or properties would you like to have in this attitude?
How much is the attitude super-charged now?
4) State:
As you access this attitude, what state/s are you experiencing?
How strong and robust is this state? Does it need to be
stronger? If so, amplify it.
How compelling and memorable is this for you?
As you now apply this attitude to yourself and notice how it changes things
for you, what do you discover?
5) Explore the other dimensions of the matrices (Others, Self, World).
Who else has this attitude? Who can you model as an exemplar?
Who will you become with this attitude? How will it affect your identity
and sense of self?
6) Appropriate this attitude for all of your tomorrows.
How much would you like to take this attitude with you into your future?
As you anticipate experiencing it in the weeks and months to come, how is
Are you fully aligned with it? Does any part of you object to
7) Make an executive decision for this new upgraded attitude.
Are you now willing to make an executive decision that this shall be your
attitude in that context?
Here's to you develop kick-ass attitudes that will turn your
opportunities into actualities!
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
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