FITTING THE MODELS OF NEURO-SEMANTICS TOGETHER I decided to make explicit the system of Neuro-Semantics after getting questions in my Meta Master Practitioner training: "How do the pieces of Neuro-Semantics fit together? How do the models interface with each other?" The following sorts out the models of Neuro-Semantics in terms of: Processes, Patterns and Models and I end it with how it all fits together within the larger context of Self-Actualization Psychology. Processes: First of all – State. A state is a general description of the combination of thinking, feeling, body movement, degree of muscle tension etc, We are always in a state and that state effects what we think, feel, and how we act and speak. We get information about the world outside our head through our eyes, ears, nose, tounge and touch/sense. We re-present this information through mental imagery, sounds or voices, tension and other kinds of feelings in our body and we also store information in smell and taste. We edit the movies (a metaphorical description of the VAKOG-information) by how we relate to it in space (near/far, above/under/in front of/behind, inside our outside the images etc) and we give meaning to that relationship to the "movie". In Neuro-Semantics this is called Meta-modalities or Sub-Modalities. As we represent the world in sequences of images/sounds/feeling/smell/taste we called that
We use Language as a way to code the world symbolically and metaphorically (all language is metaphorical). Language is correlating with our representations - "internal senses", the meta-modalities, and we use language to give meaning and even though we use the same words they mean different things depending to how we make meaning of the symbols through what we see, hear/say and feel about them. The Language patterns or language models are all different applications of the same process, Language. Then we give Meaning to things through language. We make sense of the world by explaining it to ourselves linguistically by what something "is" or adapt our "map" (which of course is a metaphoric description of how we connect things) to what we learn from parents, family, friends, school (which has the purpose of making us productive citizens), work, media etc. We can give meaning that explain, that give us freedom… and toxic meaning that limit us and can make us sick both physically and mentally. We embody meaning and when we tell ourselves that the meanings we have given to things is real and true we form beliefs.
Recommended books on the processes, patterns and models: Processes: VAKOG: MovieMind by L. Michael Hall Meta-Modalities: Sub-Modalities going Meta by L. Michael Hall and Bob Bodenhamer Get the life you want – Richard Bandler Language: Communication Magic by L. Michael Hall MindLines by L. Michael Hall and Bob Bodenhamer Hypnosis – a comprehensive guide by Tad James Richard Bandlers guide to Trance-Formation by Richard Bandler Cognitive Linguistics – An introduction by Vyvyan Evans and Melanie Green Hypnotic Realities by Erickson, Rossi & Rossi Training Trances by Overdurf & Silverthorn Precision – A new approach to Communication by Grinder & McMaster Sleight of Mouth by Robert Dilts Meaning & Meta-States: Meta-States by L. Michael Hall Neuro-Semantics – actualizing Meaning & Performance by L. Michael Hall States of Equilibrium by John Burton Beliefs by Dilts, Hallway & Smith (not explicitly on Meta-States but if read with "Meta- State eyes" it´s all about Meta-States) Patterns: The Sourcebook of Magic by L. Michael Hall The Sourcebook of Magic Volume II (Meta-Stating patterns) by L. Michael Hall Change your Mind and Keep the change by Steve Andreas and Connirae Andreas Heart of the Mind by Steve Andreas and Connirae Andreas Models: The Matrix Model by L. Michael Hall The Crucible by L. Michael Hall Meta-Coaching vol I by L. Michael Hall and Michelle Duval Meta-Coaching vol II – Coaching Conversations by L. Michael Hall and Michelle Duval Self-Actualization Psychology by L. Michael Hall Unleashed by L. Michael Hall Unleashing Leadership by L. Michael Hall Benchmarking by L. Michael Hall Group and Team Coaching by L. Michael Hall Systemic Coaching by L. Michael Hall